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Italian parents turn to law to evict adult son:
Lawyer Andrea Camp said a letter was sent to the son, advising him to leave home in six days or face legal action. If he refuses, lawyers will ask a court in Venice to issue a protection order for the elderly parents against their son.
"We cannot do it any more," the father was quoted as saying.
"He demands that his clothes be washed and ironed and his meals prepared. He really has no intention of leaving."
Firstly, that's hilarious...
Top 10 suggestions to these parents
1. Change the locks
2. Steal his things
3. Hide the TV remote
4. Relocate
5. Remove his curtains
6. Cancel the broadband
7. Smoke him out
8. Creatively use a spider monkey
9. Rent the house out to Australians
10. Buy him a yacht
But really how hard can it be... Court order... Good grief

Italian parents turn to law to evict adult son:
An Italian couple have sought legal help to persuade their 41-year-old son to fly the nest, Italian media reported. The Venetian parents, who have not been named, say their son has a job but refuses to leave home and wants his clothes washed and his meals prepared. They have sought help from lawyers at the consumer association Adico.
"We cannot do it any more," the father was quoted as saying.
"He demands that his clothes be washed and ironed and his meals prepared. He really has no intention of leaving."
Firstly, that's hilarious...
Top 10 suggestions to these parents
1. Change the locks
2. Steal his things
3. Hide the TV remote
4. Relocate
5. Remove his curtains
6. Cancel the broadband
7. Smoke him out
8. Creatively use a spider monkey
9. Rent the house out to Australians
10. Buy him a yacht
But really how hard can it be... Court order... Good grief
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